SPOILER ALERT. Do not read this unless you have read or seen the Harry Potter series and at least the first season/book of The Game of Thrones series. It's for your own good.
The worst fictional characters ever.
So today I finished the first season of The Game of Thrones series and I don't think anyone can be worse than King Joffrey. For me, it was hate at first sight. WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH THAT PERSON. I don't think I hate anyone in the entire world as much as I hate Joffrey. (Dolores Umbridge being the exception).
I mean, Umbridge is horrible and I hate her from the bottom of my heart and I would have rather seen her dead than Voldemort but what about Joffrey? That asshole is pure evil. When I heard about his death in the 3rd season, I don't think I have ever been happier. I was literally jumping on my bed(it will never be the same again).
Sure Umbridge did send a whole lot of muggle-borns to Azkaban because of their blood status and accused them of "stealing" wizarding abilities but good gosh Joffrey! I wish he died a slow and painful death. Although, I would prefer to be sent off to Azkaban for inflicting the cruciatus curse on that horribly pink woman so strongly that it would result in her death, killing Joffrey wouldn't be any less the pleasure.
But also, 1995-1996(the years Umbridge was in Hogwarts) were the sassiest years Hogwarts has ever seen. Not only the students and Peeves, but the teachers also purposely aggravated that bitch who's called Dolores Umbridge. They were the years when Dumbledore revealed his persistent style and Minerva McGonagall became an effin' queen and was worshiped worldwide. I mean, even Professor Flitwick rebelled!
That genius little man I swear to God. I had to literally put down the book and slow clap."Thank you so much, Professor!" said Professor Flitwick in his squeaky little voice. "I could have got rid of the sparklers myself, of course, but I wasn't sure whether I had the authority..."
Beaming, he closed the classroom door in Umbridge's snarling face.”
So Joffrey may have separated the head from body of I don't know how many people including Ned Stark(in front of Sansa!) but Umbridge was pretty horrible herself. They should get married. No wait actually *gags*.
Well thank you for reading and *Effie Trinket voice* May the odds be ever in your favor.
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