Monday, 12 May 2014

Bring Back Our Girls.

So this is something that has really really pissed the shit out of me. When I heard that more than 300 effin Nigerian girls have been kidnapped and held captive by the assholes who call themselves "Boko Haram", I felt like chopping those (I'll try not to swear, hi dad). 
So the group called Boko Haram terrorizes northeastern Nigeria for 5 effin years and we hear about it now? AFTER 300 EFFIN GIRLS ARE KIDNAPPED! Well played government. Not just the government,well played, security. After being warned about Islamic militants being just around the corner. 

What happened to "World peace and security"? 

Forget the government, the security and all that though. Boko Haram, I hope all you assholes burn in the fires of hell. Girls don't deserve an education? Oh we deserve an education just as much as you deserve to be burned and eaten by a hyena and stay alive through the entire effin thing. You assholes have hit the rock bottom of mankind. 

Why does it seem like the U.S. is the only one doing all the work? They are sending an army of 200 to recover the girls and I salute you for that. Bring back our girls. And then chop the people of Boko Haram's private parts off. 


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